SWISS FEA-Event: Corporate Responsibility, Responsible Business and ESG Requirements – November, 21th 2022 at 5pm in Zurich

Dear SWISS-FEA members, dear FEA members and friends of SWISS-FEA in Zurich,

We would like to invite you to the SWISS-FEA presence event in Zurich, which we are organising together with BCG (Zurich) and Nasdaq Governance Solutions (London).

Corporate Responsibility, Responsible Business and ESG Requirements
November, 21st 2022 at 5:00 pm
BCG Zurich, BCG Zürich, Bleicherweg 62, 8002 Zürich

What role do boards of directors play when it comes to corporate responsibility? Where does Switzerland stand in comparison with ESG Requirements in Europe?

Our guests will be:

Jannik Leiendecker, Partner and Associate Director at BCG on the subject: ESG Compliance and Human Rights from a European Perspective

James Beasley, Nasdaq Governance Solutions, London on the subject: Crafting the “G” in ESG – Accountability in the Boardroom

Dr. Daniel Petitpierre, Lawyer and Chair Person of SWISS FEA, on the subject: ESG – Where does Switzerland stand? Where is the journey heading?

Prof. Simone Zeuchner, President of the Financial Experts Association Switzerland, corporate governance expert for family businesses and multi-supervisory/administrative board member will be the moderator of the event.



17:00    –    17:30 Welcome Reception at the BCG premises

17:30    –    17:55 Welcome Prof. Zeuchner

17:55    –    18:05 ESG Compliance and Human Rights from an European Perspective

18:05    –    18:15 Crafting the „G“ in ESG – Accountability in the Boardroom

18:15    –    18:25 ESG – where does Switzerland stand? Where is the journey heading?

18:25    –    18:45 Discussions in small groups in the BCG Connector Room

18:45    –    19:00 Presentation of the group results

19:00    –    19:10 End of the discussion and outlook

from 19:15 on Apero with wine and finger food until approx. 8:00 pm



Participation for the event is free of charge. We look forward to your participation and ask for your binding registration by 14.11.2022 via this link!

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